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Meet Leanne

 Owner of The Wren Witch, Leanne Moorman is a certified Advanced Angel Empowerment practitioner, certified level 3 Usui Reiki Master Practitioner, Energetic Facelift Practitioner, and a Access Bars Facilitator and Practitioner.


Leanne offers Access Bars, Access Body Processes,
Energetic Facelifts, Reiki, Crystal Healing, Angel Card Reading, including past life healing and belief system changes, and meditations with Arch Angels.


Leanne hopes to bring classes of all types to our area to help with
healing and mental health. She also works with entities and energies to help them find their way back “home” and can clear your spaces, objects, homes, and people.

Leanne's profound bond with her black cat, Wren, and her deep connection to the authentic essence of a witch inspire the name "The Wren Witch." A witch  is a woman who is aligned with their own infinite ancient nature. A healer. The Moon speaks to them. The trees speak to them. The animals speak to them. The ancients speak to them and they live inside them. They are infused with love and the oneness that is with all of Nature. 


Service Menu

Access Bars

45 min - $75

Access Body Processes

45 min - $75

Access Energetic Facelifts

45 min - $75


 45 min - $75


Oracle/Angel Intuitive Card Reading

30 min - $40

60 min- $75


Intuitive Guided Energy Session

60 min - $90


Entity Clearings


Energy Clearings

TBD, based on severity


When a Witch is Born

They say that when a witch is born the Earth shakes of you. They say that when a witch wakes up, the angels cry of happiness from the deepest skies. They say that when a witch gives birth, the wind blows stronger knowing that a new creature has arrived, a new guardian of the Peace. They say that when a witch dances, the earth gains force and the trees dance happily to the sound of the spiral. They say that when a witch remembers that she has always been free, the condors and the eagles fly towards her. They say that when a witch makes a fire in the forest she awakens all the spirits of the Light. They say that when a witch sings, the females wolves of the north, howl at distances, united by it. The same chant. They say that when a witch is reunited with other witches, they make the best of alchemy of the ancestral power. And the say that if you know, in depthness, one of them, never again will you be the same because she will teach you to love yourself and to love everything that exists on this earth. So, if you are a witch, you are Light, shining in all darkness, you are a legacy, a teaching for others because from the deepness of your being you spill Love.


Text: 306-231-5295


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